Saturday, April 21, 2012

What other magnetic products help with hip pain?

  These are some of the products besides magnetic bracelets that help hip pain:

  • Magnetic back pad – allows full motion and flexibility; increases blood flow to the affected part of the back; helps with back spasms; great for walking and travel; sticks to elastic comfort wraps
  • Power magnetic pads – these provide deep magnetic penetration to larger areas when needed for hips, back chest, thighs and abdomen
  • Elastic comfort wraps – made with breathable elastic; adjustable fit; feels cool and comfortable on skin; holds magnetic pad in place; uses Velcro
  • Platinum magnetic back support – 13,500 gauss of neodymium for more severe back pain; increases blood flow to relieve back spasms, strain and swelling; breathable; adjustable with Velcro
  • Magnetic seat cushion – 2 sizes; penetrates deeper for larger areas like hips, thighs and back
  • Magnetic mattress pads – 2 strengths; for back pain and arthritis; helpful for people who sleep on their sides; memory foam
  • Block magnet – large ceramic block for faster healing and severe pain

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Does gauss matter?

The gauss (symbolized G) is the centimeter-gram-second (cgs) unit of magnetic flux density.   In simpler terms, it is the strength of a magnet.  I found that you should use at least 8000 gauss to penetrate 4".  I do know that healing is more effective the stronger the gauss rating.  With bracelets, I always recommend bracelets with multiple magnets around it.

The gauss rating is only half of the story.  The other half is the size of the magnet.  For example, if two bracelets have the same gauss rating, the larger one would be stronger because it has more mass.  The material the magnets are made of also matters.  Neodymium magnets are the strongest magnets and have a much higher gauss rating than other common materials  A gauss rating is the maximum amount of magnetic energy that a magnet can store at its core.

Does placement of magnetic bracelets matter?

It certainly matters which way you wear  your magnetc bracelets.  Your bracelet or other magnetic product should be worn as close as possible to where it hurts.  For example, a magnetic bracelet may work for any pain, but would work better on the same side of the body where the pain is.  Also, it is so important to try the bracelet on both arms and try it facing both directions.  A bracelet might help ankle pain some, but an ankle bracelet might work better. In addition, you should never wear two bracelets on the same arm.

Also, the bio-north (negative) side of a magnet should face the body.  To tell which end is north, simply use a compass.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


My name is Kari and I live in Ohio.  For years I have worked in a position that involved an enormous amount of data entry.  In addition, I worked long hours.  I developed carpal tunnel syndrome and it really bothered me a lot.  After seeing how much my mother's arthritis was helped by wearing a bracelet, I ordered one to try.  Most have a moneyback guarantee, so I had nothing to lose.  To my pleasant surprise, most of my pain was alleviated.  I recently misplaced mine and plan to replace it soon.
Kari H.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

How Magnetic Therapy Works

·   Blood is living tissue and carries many things such as nutrients, oxygen, and iron to parts of the body.  Iron is attracted by magnets causing movement. 
·   All cells in the body have ions that are positively and negatively charged.
·   In healthy cells:
Ions line up with positive on one side and negative on the other.
A membrane is in between.
Fluid, oxygen, and nutrients move in and out.
·   In diseased, injured cells:
Positive and negative ions scatter randomly.
Blood vessels widen and white blood cells enter. 
Swelling occurs from extra fluid. 
Cellular imbalance occurs.
·   Using static magnets over injured cells:
Pulls ions back into alignment. 
Extra fluid is pushed out. 
Healthy balance occurs and damage is repaired. 
Excess fluid is eliminated.
Healing starts.
·   Magnets do not block pain - they treat the cause.
·   Pain is caused by pressure on nerves, and magnets help relieve the pain

·   Magnets do not block pain - they treat the cause.
·   Pain is caused by pressure on nerves, and magnets help relieve the pain

     Conditions Helped by Magnets

·   Arthritis
o   Wear close to a major artery to help farther away
o   Best if placed over place with pain or as close as possible
o   Helps with magnetic jewelry or magnetic pad
·   Diabetic Neuropathy occurs when nerves are damaged from Diabetes
o   Reduced sensation leading to other injuries
o   Starts in feet, goes up to legs
o   Leads to ulcers and infections
o   Magnetic insoles – at least 25,000 gauss
o   At least 90% are helped
o   Helps repair nerve endings
o   Magnetic water helps (if used with other options)
·   Osteoporosis & Osteoarthritis
·   Diabetes
o   Magnetic jewelry, wristbands, insoles
o   Magnetic mattress cover
o   Magnetized water (if used with other options)
·   Insomnia
·   Orthodontic Therapy
o   Rapid movement of teeth – up to 2mm/month
o   Treatment is shortened
·   Depression
·   Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
·   Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
·   Migraines
·   Menstrual Cramps
·   Muscle Spasms


  •   Pregnant
  •   Have a pacemaker or electronic device
  •   Cancer - check with a physician first
  •   Must use at least 8000 gauss to penetrate 4"
  •   Do not use multiple bracelets on same arm