Saturday, April 14, 2012

How Magnetic Therapy Works

·   Blood is living tissue and carries many things such as nutrients, oxygen, and iron to parts of the body.  Iron is attracted by magnets causing movement. 
·   All cells in the body have ions that are positively and negatively charged.
·   In healthy cells:
Ions line up with positive on one side and negative on the other.
A membrane is in between.
Fluid, oxygen, and nutrients move in and out.
·   In diseased, injured cells:
Positive and negative ions scatter randomly.
Blood vessels widen and white blood cells enter. 
Swelling occurs from extra fluid. 
Cellular imbalance occurs.
·   Using static magnets over injured cells:
Pulls ions back into alignment. 
Extra fluid is pushed out. 
Healthy balance occurs and damage is repaired. 
Excess fluid is eliminated.
Healing starts.
·   Magnets do not block pain - they treat the cause.
·   Pain is caused by pressure on nerves, and magnets help relieve the pain

·   Magnets do not block pain - they treat the cause.
·   Pain is caused by pressure on nerves, and magnets help relieve the pain

     Conditions Helped by Magnets

·   Arthritis
o   Wear close to a major artery to help farther away
o   Best if placed over place with pain or as close as possible
o   Helps with magnetic jewelry or magnetic pad
·   Diabetic Neuropathy occurs when nerves are damaged from Diabetes
o   Reduced sensation leading to other injuries
o   Starts in feet, goes up to legs
o   Leads to ulcers and infections
o   Magnetic insoles – at least 25,000 gauss
o   At least 90% are helped
o   Helps repair nerve endings
o   Magnetic water helps (if used with other options)
·   Osteoporosis & Osteoarthritis
·   Diabetes
o   Magnetic jewelry, wristbands, insoles
o   Magnetic mattress cover
o   Magnetized water (if used with other options)
·   Insomnia
·   Orthodontic Therapy
o   Rapid movement of teeth – up to 2mm/month
o   Treatment is shortened
·   Depression
·   Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
·   Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
·   Migraines
·   Menstrual Cramps
·   Muscle Spasms


  •   Pregnant
  •   Have a pacemaker or electronic device
  •   Cancer - check with a physician first
  •   Must use at least 8000 gauss to penetrate 4"
  •   Do not use multiple bracelets on same arm

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