History of Magnetic Therapy

The Chinese believe health is influenced by energy flowing in and out of the body.  Sicknesses of the mind and body are said to be caused by an imbalance in energy.  Since ancient times Chinese have used magnets and acupuncture to unblock this energy.  Magnetic therapy is used throughout the Eastern world and the Western world’s doubts is said to amuse them.

This is a partial timeline:

  • 2500-3000 B.C. - A Turkish shepherd named Magnes lived in a town called Magnesia.  He is credited with discovering that magnetic stones attract iron.
  • 2000 B.C. - The ancient Chinese were noted to have used magnets for magnetic therapy before the Egyptians or Greeks.
  • 50 B.C. – Cleopatra slept on and wore Lodestones to keep her skin youthful.
  • Middle Ages – Doctors used magnets gout, arthritis and other ailments.
  • 1400’s – a Swiss physician named Paraclesus wrote in medical journals about the benefits of magnets to reduce inflammation.
  • 1500’s – Dr. William Gilbert, Queen Elizabeth’s personal physician, reported that the queen used magnets for therapy under his direction.
  • 1700’s – Michael Faraday, the “Founder of Biomagnetics” aided by Dr. Mesmer (founder of hypnotism) and Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (the father of homeopathy) discovered important information about magnetic healing.
  • 1905 – Dr. Kreft from Germany studied the effects of magnets on sciatica, neuralgia and rheumatic disease.
  • 1975 – Isamu Masuda of Japan founded Nihon Kenko Zoushin Kenkyukai, parent company of Nikken Glogal which started its product line of therapeutic magnetic shoe insoles.
  • 1990 – University of Hawaii performed tests of magnetics and osteoporosis.
  • 1990-2004 – tests were performed by New York Medical College, the University of Virginia and other universities on treatment of magnetic products on fibromyalgia, diabetes, osteoporosis and other clinical research.
  • Magnetic devices are now prescribed in 54 countries.
  • Many athletes, celebrities and sports clinics use magnetic therapy.

Some famous people who use magnetic therapy are:
  • Bill Clinton
  • Anthony Hopkins
  • Prince William
  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • Venus Williams                      
  • Michael Jordan
  • Andre Agassi
  • Jack Niklaus
  • Evander Holyfield


Courtesy of Clinton Presidential Library and Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. Painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme

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