How Magnetic Therapy Works

·    Blood is living tissue and carries many things such as nutrients, oxygen, and iron to parts of the body.  Iron is attracted by magnets causing movement. 
·    All cells in the body have ions which are positively and negatively charged.
·    In healthy cells:
o   Ions line up with positive on one side and negative on the other.
o   A membrane is in between.
o   Fluid, oxygen, and nutrients move in and out.
·    In diseased, injured cells:
o   Positive and negative ions scatter randomly.
o   Blood vessels widen and white blood cells enter. 
o   Swelling occurs from extra fluid. 
o   Cellular imbalance occurs.
·    Using static magnets over injured cells:
o   Pulls ions back into alignment. 
o   Extra fluid is pushed out. 
o   Healthy balance occurs and damage is repaired. 
o   Excess fluid is eliminated.
o   Healing starts.
·    Magnets do not block pain - they treat the cause.
·    Pain is caused by pressure on nerves, and magnets help relieve the pain

1 comment:

  1. This has been a topic for debate for over the years. Medical experts believe the positive changes are from the placebo effect. But recently so many people have come up explaining how biomagnetic therapy has changed their lives. Here's an experience shared by one of my friends.
