Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Does gauss matter?

The gauss (symbolized G) is the centimeter-gram-second (cgs) unit of magnetic flux density.   In simpler terms, it is the strength of a magnet.  I found that you should use at least 8000 gauss to penetrate 4".  I do know that healing is more effective the stronger the gauss rating.  With bracelets, I always recommend bracelets with multiple magnets around it.

The gauss rating is only half of the story.  The other half is the size of the magnet.  For example, if two bracelets have the same gauss rating, the larger one would be stronger because it has more mass.  The material the magnets are made of also matters.  Neodymium magnets are the strongest magnets and have a much higher gauss rating than other common materials  A gauss rating is the maximum amount of magnetic energy that a magnet can store at its core.

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